MySQL vs. MariaDB

November 01, 2021

MySQL vs. MariaDB

Are you trying to decide between MySQL and MariaDB for your cloud API needs? Look no further! We've gathered the facts and figures for you to make an informed decision.


Let's start with some background. MySQL has been around since 1995 and has been owned by various companies throughout the years (currently owned by Oracle Corporation). MariaDB, on the other hand, was created in 2009 by the original developers of MySQL and is open-source.

Features and Performance

When it comes to features and performance, both databases are very similar. In fact, MariaDB is known to be a drop-in replacement for MySQL. However, there are a few differences that might make a difference in your decision-making process:


MariaDB has various performance improvements over MySQL. For instance, MariaDB has faster indexing capabilities, which in some cases have up to 4 times the speed of MySQL. This difference isn't always noticeable, but it's a nice perk if you're dealing with large databases.

Data Security

While both MySQL and MariaDB are secure systems, MariaDB can be considered a bit more secure. It includes encryption support by default, TLS 1.3 support, and has its own authentication plugin that's considered more advanced than MySQL's.

Query Execution

MariaDB includes some features that make query execution faster, which can result in a quicker response time than MySQL. One example is its thread pool plugin, which improves performance by ensuring queries don't unnecessarily overload one thread.

Community Support

Both MySQL and MariaDB have strong community support. However, because MariaDB is open-source, it has a more active community, with a higher number of contributors and more frequent updates.


MySQL is offered as a paid solution by Oracle Corporation, while MariaDB is generally a free solution. However, it's worth noting that some companies offer support and additional features for MariaDB at a cost.


Both MySQL and MariaDB are excellent options for managing databases in the cloud. While they have minor differences in terms of speed, security, and community support, they are relatively similar in terms of functionality. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on your specific needs and preferences.


  1. “MariaDB vs MySQL – Compatibility.” MariaDB, MariaDB Foundation, 22 Mar. 2017,
  2. “Wiki MariaDB.” MariaDB, MariaDB Foundation, 2021,
  3. “MySQL :: MySQL Community Downloads.” MySQL :: MySQL Community Downloads, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates, 2021,
  4. “MySQL :: MySQL Licensing Information.” MySQL Licensing Information, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates, 2021,

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